Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bersih 3.0

Okey.. i knew these story was basi already...
But i just want to show these picture as a concrete evidence that I was there but not as one of them ;p


p/s really admire their spirit...but there are big question marks ?????...what was actually their trying to fight of or proved...But they must have their on reasons..
Ini lah masa yg paling best dan sesuai untuk guling2 di jalan kl..;p


Night said...

napa ko tia tau kenapa diaurg buat begitu juvi?? hehehe

kayau said...

nite, x minat lah politik2 ni ;p

jenkays said...

durang tu sekadar mencari hiburan bah pare...juvi tu otw p karoks tu tu lah dia boleh ambil gambar hahaha...smua ini mainan jahat politik...sdh tau org akan provoke and akan jadi rusuhan tapi buat juga..haish haish..MalaySia..MalaySia bila lah korang mo sedar2...sampai 3.0 entah2 sampai bersih v6 nanti begitu juga...